Filling Machines
Check out the bottle filling machine line up below.
12"x12" Matrix Fillers
The original Matrix Bottle Filler. Built to run tons of products. This table top bottle filler has a small foot print with a high production output.

12"x29" Matrix Fillers
12"x29" Matrix Fillers
Built with all the same features as the original matrix bottle filler but with a bigger platform. This filler will hold about twice as much bottles at the 12″x12″ platform.

Lotion and Paste Filling Machine
Introducing the HighLo Matrix Filler, your gateway to a new era of filling efficiency and adaptability. This powerful combination marries the precision of the Matrix platform with the unparalleled versatility of the HighLo pump, creating a machine capable of tackling anything from delicate 5ml vials to massive gallon pales.

Ingredient Filling Matrix Fillers
The ingredient filler is a versatile and efficient machine that accurately fills bottles with a variety of ingredients. It can be used to fill bottles of any size or shape, and it can be customized to fit your specific needs

Micro Dosing Matrix Fillers
When it comes to filling volumes of 4ml and less, the Micro Dosing Filler stands out as the ultimate solution. This versatile machine excels at handling a wide range of viscosities and heat ranges, ensuring flawless performance across diverse applications.

Cartridge and Vape Filler
Introducing the revolutionary Vertical Duel Mounted Syringe Pump: A Game-changer for Cartridge and Vape Filling. This is also a great filler for any products filling 4 grams or less.

29"x29" Matrix Filler
The design around this large filling machine is non stop bottle filling. This machine utilizes two of the popular 12″x29″ trays. Allowing operators to load a tray of bottles into the bottle filler while the machine is filling the other tray allowing for no down time.

0"x29" Matrix Filler XL
The newest filling machine to our line up. This machine is geared around filling bigger bottles.

Stand Alone Filler
Modular stand alone filling machine. Add unlimited heads, endless possibilities. masters any volume, fills any shape.